Eco-Friendly Planet…This is our Home, Keep it Clean!

About the project

“Eco-friendly  Planet… This is our Home, Keep it Clean!” is a two-year partnership proposed by two schools, one from Bulgaria and one from Romania. Although it is a language oriented project, the theme is a very actual one, considering that we plan to inspire and empower not only our students and teachers, but also the communities around our schools to clean up, fix up and conserve our environment. We will organise clean up events, recycling projects, environmental awareness raising campaigns, competitions, workshops, exhibitions, school plays etc. Every one of our two regions has different environmental issues, which need to be addressed thus having fresh new ideas about how to fix them will help us. By promoting our joint achievements we will  manage to focus the attention of all our community on the environment and how each individual can make a positive contribution to a cleaner and healthier world.
Through this project, the planned activities and its results we want to make sure our students will understand the importance of keeping the environment clean and managing waste in a sustainable way.
The partnership will provide an opportunity for our two schools to combine their energies, resources and together address problems vital for our future.
We want to teach our students about environmental problems and show them that protecting the environment can be also fun. The clean up events we hold won’t be boring but filled with games, music, art and education. It will be an opportunity for all of us to expand our horizons and learn from others. This way, they will also find out more about their peers’ culture, language, traditions, experiences.

This project will focus on developing a greater understanding of eco-friendly environment. Choosing an eco-friendly lifestyle is the first step towards saving our planet and protecting human lives in this planet. Promoting organic foods, recycling, renewable energy, and waste management are some ways in which we can improve our environment. Eco friendly living, sustainable solutions, and protecting nature are some initiatives to be taken towards enriching our environment. These green activities, when implemented worldwide, will help us in repairing our earth and refresh our environment for sustainable living and development.
The concrete objectives of the partnership are:
1. Fostering a greater understanding,positive reasoning and awareness of eco-friendly environment among students.
2. Encouraging students and stuff to take a positive role and make concerted efforts in preserving and protecting our planet / environment.
3. Developing  awareness and responsible attitude  in the students for taking initiatives for improving the environment.
4. Developing a correct understanding of the relation between human and the environment and the interdependence between the quality of life and environmental quality;
5.Fostering awareness about the benefits of well maintained, green spaces, on the health and human mood;
6.To develop team spirit and to initiate our students into responsible working in a team while creating different products for this project
7.To motivate the use of new technologies and social networks for learning purposes.

Project activities

This Comenius project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Project Number:

2012-1-BG1-COM07-07044 1.This project  reflects the views only of the authors  and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

One thought on “About the project

  1. I think the topic is very important for the young generation. We have to be aware how to improve the environment and keep clean our mother Earth.

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